Judge affirms the Professional Standards Commission’s sanction of a teacher for her behavior during administration of the CRCT.
Docket Number: ***** , Decision Date: February 7, 2013
Attachment: Click here to download the decision.
Petitioner, a sixth grade math teacher, administered the CRCT to her classroom after attending training on how to administer the test. During the training, the Test Examiner’s Manual is reviewed. The Manual explicitly states that the administrator may only clarify directions but may not suggest answers or evaluate student work during the test. The evidence demonstrated that during the administration of the test, Petitioner verbally and visually signaled to students when she noticed that they answered a question incorrectly. Petitioner’s classroom was also flagged for having a high number of wrong-to-right erasures. The Judge determined that Petitioner violated the Code of Ethics for Educators and therefore AFFIRMED the Commission’s decision to sanction Petitioner’s teaching certificate.