
Individual convicted of prostitution allowed to own and operate childcare learning center.

Petitioner sought to own and operate a childcare learning center. The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) denied Petitioner’s application because she was convicted of prostitution-related misdemeanors between 1982 and 1985. The age of the convictions and the evidence presented at the hearing regarding the Petitioner’s character and subsequent employment history was sufficient […]

Individual convicted of prostitution allowed to own and operate childcare learning center. Read More

Child Support Services appropriately seized bonus pay from child support obligor.

The Division of Child Support Services (CSS) of the Department of Human Services acted within its authority when it seized bonus pay from a delinquent child support obligor. At the time of the lien notice Petitioner’s arrears totaled approximately $47,148.96. In response to the lien, Petitioner’s employer remitted $8,278.00 to CSS. Respondent properly received 50%

Child Support Services appropriately seized bonus pay from child support obligor. Read More

Loss of teaching certificate justified by criminal convictions.

Petitioner’s teaching certificate was revoked after he was convicted of felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanor possession of marijuana.  His actions violated Standards One and Ten of the Code of Ethics for Educators, which require teachers to abide by state laws and demonstrate conduct that follows generally recognized professional standards, respectively.

Loss of teaching certificate justified by criminal convictions. Read More

Insurance license granted given former felon’s personal transformation.

The denial of Petitioner’s application for a non-resident agent insurance license was reversed.  While the Commissioner of Insurance has the discretion to refuse to grant an insurance license to persons with felony convictions, denial is inappropriate given Petitioner’s age at the time he committed the crimes, his sincere remorse, and his subsequent conduct.  Specifically, as

Insurance license granted given former felon’s personal transformation. Read More

Insufficient credible evidence to support finding of unethical behavior by school principal.

Revocation of Petitioner’s teaching certificate was reversed.  Petitioner, a school principal during the 2008-2009 school year, was alleged to have encouraged test proctors for the Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) to prompt students to change wrong answers.  While an analysis of test answers indicated that 52.2% of answers sheets contained an exceptional number of erasures

Insufficient credible evidence to support finding of unethical behavior by school principal. Read More

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