
State’s decision to terminate Petitioner’s benefits under the Katie Beckett Waiver reversed.

State maintained that Petitioner did not meet the requisite Level of Care because he did not actually receive skilled nursing services recommended by his physicians.  However, Respondent’s own Manual indicates that a determination of whether an individual meets the Skilled Nursing Facility Level of Care hinges upon whether such services are required.  The fact that […]

State’s decision to terminate Petitioner’s benefits under the Katie Beckett Waiver reversed. Read More

Two-year statute of limitations bars untimely IDEA claims where parents had reason to know of facts giving rise to claim.

Claims arising under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) were barred by the running of the two-year statute of limitations period. IDEA claims must be brought within two years of when the family knew or should have known of the underlying facts. Parents are on inquiry notice and cannot wait to bring a claim

Two-year statute of limitations bars untimely IDEA claims where parents had reason to know of facts giving rise to claim. Read More

Enrollment in a private school with the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program constitutes parental refusal of IDEA services.

When Defendant’s parents enrolled him in a private school in Fulton County with the use of a Special Needs Scholarship, they waived their right to services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), including a right to an independent educational evaluation (IEE) at public expense.  The Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Act specifies that acceptance

Enrollment in a private school with the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program constitutes parental refusal of IDEA services. Read More

OSAH does not have subject matter jurisdiction over a breach of a settlement agreement that does not implicate FAPE.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) does not grant OSAH subject matter jurisdiction to determine whether a valid settlement agreement exists between a school district and the parents of a special needs child. Such claims may be heard administratively only insofar as they implicate the provision of a free and appropriate education to the child.

OSAH does not have subject matter jurisdiction over a breach of a settlement agreement that does not implicate FAPE. Read More

No violation of FAPE for failure to maintain samples of all classwork.

The school district did not deny Plaintiff, a special education student, with a free appropriate public education (FAPE) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  First, while parents have the right to inspect and review all of their child’s educational records under the IDEA, the right does not encompass all homework and classwork, which

No violation of FAPE for failure to maintain samples of all classwork. Read More

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