
Location of student’s IEP does not violate right to FAPE.

The School District did not violate Plaintiff’s right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) when his individualized education program (IEP) placed him in a high school based on residency rather than at his preferred location. A parent is not entitled to dictate the location of services. Plaintiff’s parents complained that the school required documentation […]

Location of student’s IEP does not violate right to FAPE. Read More

District Court affirms ALJ’s decision on denial of FAPE and reimbursement of half of the cost of private school.

Petitioner was not offered a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment because his Individualized Education Program (IEP) placed him in a special education classroom, ignoring the fact that he was continuing to make progress in a general education environment.  However, the school was only required to reimburse Petitioner’s parents for half of

District Court affirms ALJ’s decision on denial of FAPE and reimbursement of half of the cost of private school. Read More

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