
Real estate salesperson license granted despite lapse of real estate appraiser license.

Petitioner, an applicant for a real estate salesperson license, was granted a license despite that she had allowed her real estate appraiser license to lapse five years earlier when, unbeknownst to her, she was under investigation.  Although she had also been subjected to discipline in the past for defaulting on student loans, multiple character witnesses […]

Real estate salesperson license granted despite lapse of real estate appraiser license. Read More

Permit affirmed because no new claims may be asserted on remand.

On remand from the Superior Court of Forsyth County, Judge Miller affirmed the issuance of a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.  The Superior Court, in reversing the original decision, interpreted the antidegradation review rule to require a determination of whether any new or expanded discharge should be allowed into a high quality body

Permit affirmed because no new claims may be asserted on remand. Read More

Suspension of driver’s license lifted where evidence limited to consumption of alcohol.

Suspension of Petitioner’s driver’s license was lifted where evidence of impairment was limited to the smell of alcohol on his person.  No weight was given to the results of field sobriety tests due to error in their administration and because Petitioner’s performance may have been impaired by the fact that he had recently been in

Suspension of driver’s license lifted where evidence limited to consumption of alcohol. Read More

Senior Community Service Employment Program stipend constitutes wages for Medicaid eligibility.

Petitioner’s Medicaid benefits were terminated because a stipend, which she received from the Senior Community Service Employment Program under Title V of the Older Americans Act, put her over the income limit.  The stipend constituted a wage because (1) it is remuneration for personal services; (2) it constitutes a wage under Title V; and (3)

Senior Community Service Employment Program stipend constitutes wages for Medicaid eligibility. Read More

To avoid license suspension Petitioner must make child support payments and participate in Fatherhood Program.

Child Support Services (CSS) may suspend Petitioner’s license unless he (1) makes two immediate payments toward his child support arrears, (2) continues to make timely child support and arrears payments in the future, and (3) participates in the Fatherhood Program, a state-run child support education program.

To avoid license suspension Petitioner must make child support payments and participate in Fatherhood Program. Read More

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