
Vocational Rehabilitation member not entitled to reimbursement for uncertified post-secondary education program.

The recipient of vocational rehabilitation services could not obtain reimbursement for his attendance in a post-secondary education program, as the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency’s rules authorized reimbursement for such a program only where it was nationally certified as a comprehensive transition program.

Vocational Rehabilitation member not entitled to reimbursement for uncertified post-secondary education program. Read More

Physician cannot waive requirement of in camera review and nondisclosure to the public.

Because the governing statute provided that the results of physical and mental examinations at issue in actions against physicians’ licenses “shall be” received in camera and not disclosed to the public, the physician could not exercise any privilege to waive disclosure of the record.

Physician cannot waive requirement of in camera review and nondisclosure to the public. Read More

Former party chair falsely claimed to reside in Third Congressional District.

After his home was redistricted from the Third to the Thirteenth Congressional District, the Respondent, the former chair of the Fayette County Republican Party, submitted a voter registration change of address to his rental property, which remained in the Third District after redistricting. However, a witness who resided at that property credibly testified that the

Former party chair falsely claimed to reside in Third Congressional District. Read More

Suspension inappropriate where educator complied with mandatory reporting requirements.

A high school assistant principal was directed by the principal to investigate an incident involving two students circulating a naked photograph of one of their peers. The assistant principal complied, and later reported her findings to the principal, but did not directly report the incident to the police.  The Professional Standards Commission later found probable

Suspension inappropriate where educator complied with mandatory reporting requirements. Read More

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