
Assisted living facility retains license but is ordered to pay civil penalty and adhere to license limitations due to twelve violations.

Judge Brown reversed the decision of the Georgia Department of Community Health to revoke Petitioner’s license to operate an assisted living facility for lack of “imminent” or “substantial” danger to residents. Despite the decision to reverse, however, the judge upheld twelve of the twenty-one alleged violations in the areas of staffing, physical plant health and

Assisted living facility retains license but is ordered to pay civil penalty and adhere to license limitations due to twelve violations. Read More

Non-custodial parent’s state licenses suspended for failure to pay $21,417.08 in child support.

Petitioner, who has only been sporadically employed since 2007, has consistently failed to meet his child support obligations, despite multiple contempt orders. Even in light of his financial struggles, Petitioner did not show he is unable to pay child support. The judge thus affirmed the suspension of his state-issued licenses.

Non-custodial parent’s state licenses suspended for failure to pay $21,417.08 in child support. Read More

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