
Permit for Sea Island’s groin project did not violate Shore Protection Act.

The Shore Protection Committee issued a permit to Sea Island Acquisition, LLC, for the construction and maintenance of a rock groin near the southern end of Sea Island in Glynn County.  The new groin would be accompanied by beach nourishment and dune construction.  Petitioners—consisting of environmental advocacy groups—argued that the groin project violated the Shore

Permit for Sea Island’s groin project did not violate Shore Protection Act. Read More

Duplicate food stamp benefits must be recouped from the ineligible household.

Where two households claimed the same child as a household member for the purpose of obtaining food stamp benefits, resulting in the issuance of duplicate benefits, the correct action was to recoup benefits from the head of household that falsely claimed that the child continued to reside with her, not to seek recoupment from the

Duplicate food stamp benefits must be recouped from the ineligible household. Read More

Care management organization failed to demonstrate authority to recover reimbursements.

Peach State Health Plan (Peach State), a care management organization (CMO) sought to recover payments made to JLD, a speech therapy provider, based primarily on its determination that JLD failed to document the duration of speech therapy sessions.  However, in the absence of a contract provision holding otherwise, such payments were “voluntary” under Georgia law. 

Care management organization failed to demonstrate authority to recover reimbursements. Read More