Dominic Capraro

Plaintiff’s IDEA claims dismissed where insufficient evidence presented to demonstrate that school district failed to provide Free and Appropriate Public Education.

Plaintiff, a child receiving special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), failed to demonstrate that Defendant, a school district, denied him a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment by providing math classes in a collaborative setting with the support of a special education teacher. Additionally,

Plaintiff’s IDEA claims dismissed where insufficient evidence presented to demonstrate that school district failed to provide Free and Appropriate Public Education. Read More

Petitioner’s offense does not preclude him from working for child-placing agency where mitigating factors shown.

Respondent’s action precluding Petitioner’s employment by a licensed child-placing agency reversed where Petitioner’s offense occurred nearly five years ago, involved no physical harm to a victim, and examination of Petitioner’s behavior and employment history since the offense demonstrated that he did not have a propensity for cruel behavior or behavior involving moral turpitude.

Petitioner’s offense does not preclude him from working for child-placing agency where mitigating factors shown. Read More

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