Lisa Boggs

Court of Appeals reverses decision on environmental permit, remands case for evidentiary hearing

This case involved a challenge to a decision by the Environmental Protection Division (“EPD”) to issue a permit to the City of Columbus for its Combined Sewer System.  The Administrative Law Judge had granted summary determination in favor of the EPD, and the Superior Court of Spalding County upheld this decision on judicial review.  However,

Court of Appeals reverses decision on environmental permit, remands case for evidentiary hearing Read More

Refund attributable to child tax credit cannot be shielded from paying off child support arrears

This case involved Child Support Services’ interception of a father’s 2020 federal income tax refund to offset his child support arrears. Judge Schroer affirmed the agency’s action, having rejected the father’s argument that the portion of the refund attributable to an additional child tax credit should be exempt from interception.

Refund attributable to child tax credit cannot be shielded from paying off child support arrears Read More

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