Lisa Boggs

Student making progress in general education not eligible for IDEA relief

Judge Barnes determined the student at issue was not eligible for relief under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”). The student and her parents failed to show the student was eligible for special educational services. Although she displayed some weaknesses, the student otherwise was able to access the general education curriculum and make progress […]

Student making progress in general education not eligible for IDEA relief Read More

Paramedic’s license revoked for performing unauthorized procedures

In affirming the Department of Public Health’s decision to revoke a paramedic’s EMS license, Judge Barnes concluded the paramedic had performed two procedures on patients—specifically, a surgical cricothyrotomy and a shoulder reduction—that fell outside the proper scope of practice for paramedics. Currently on appeal before Fulton County Superior Court.

Paramedic’s license revoked for performing unauthorized procedures Read More

GNETS placement deemed improper; ordered relief includes co-taught classroom, ESY

This case addressed whether the continued placement of a 7-year-old special education student in GNETS was the least restrictive environment (LRE). Judge Malihi concluded the student was unnecessarily and prematurely placed in GNETS, and thus was denied a free appropriate public education (“FAPE”). Relief included an order to transition the student to a co-taught classroom

GNETS placement deemed improper; ordered relief includes co-taught classroom, ESY Read More