Lisa Boggs

Weight of vehicle obtained on uncalibrated scale insufficient to establish violation.

The Department of Public Safety failed to demonstrate that the weight of a tractor-trailer’s axles exceeded permitted limits because the static scale used to measure the axle weights had not been calibrated and the trucking company presented credible evidence to refute the accuracy of the weighing.

Weight of vehicle obtained on uncalibrated scale insufficient to establish violation. Read More

Adopted child entitled to continued assistance lost due to agency’s failure to inform.

An agency representative failed to advise adoptive parents of a twelve-year-old child that signing the adoption agreement before the child turned thirteen precluded the child from accessing continued benefits in the event she attended college after she turned eighteen.  This non-disclosure departed from the agency’s rules and regulations, and entitled the child to continued benefits

Adopted child entitled to continued assistance lost due to agency’s failure to inform. Read More

Evasive, unreliable testimony regarding criminal record insufficient to establish mitigation.

The Department of Community Health denied an application for authorization to work at a personal care home due to two felony convictions.  Although the applicant initially testified that she had since been involved in no criminal activity, she admitted during cross-examination that charges of financial transaction card fraud were pending against her.  The Court upheld

Evasive, unreliable testimony regarding criminal record insufficient to establish mitigation. Read More

Parolee qualified to work at personal care facility due to mitigating factors.

An applicant was denied authorization to work in a personal care home owing to her conviction for three non-violent felony offenses in 2009.  At the time she sought authorization, the applicant was on parole and had yet to complete the terms of her sentence.  However, she established that she was qualified to work in a

Parolee qualified to work at personal care facility due to mitigating factors. Read More

Agency must submit adoption assistance application prior to transfer of custody.

The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) failed to apply for adoption assistance prior to transferring custody of two children to their adoptive parent.  As a result, the prerequisite that an adoption assistance agreement be in place prior to finalization of adoption was not met, and the two children were precluded from receiving benefits

Agency must submit adoption assistance application prior to transfer of custody. Read More

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