Lisa Boggs

Arresting officers need not ensure that DUI suspects understand implied consent notice.

The fact that an arresting officer read a DUI suspect the implied consent notice shortly after advising him of his Miranda rights, including his right to an attorney, did not render the implied consent notice defective.  Because the arresting officer read the applicable implied consent notice to the suspect, he was deemed under Georgia law […]

Arresting officers need not ensure that DUI suspects understand implied consent notice. Read More

Teaching certificate suspended 60 days for requesting changes to daughter’s transcript.

Petitioner, a former superintendent, violated the Code of Ethics for Educators when she requested that her daughter’s transcript be altered to show credit for a course she had not taken and allowed the school district to report her daughter as a dual-enrollment student for state funding purposes, knowing her grades would not be recorded as

Teaching certificate suspended 60 days for requesting changes to daughter’s transcript. Read More

Pain management physician’s medical license revoked for unprofessional conduct.

Petitioner, a physician working in a pain management clinic, exhibited numerous instances of unprofessional conduct related to prescribing controlled substances, resulting in revocation of her medical license. Petitioner violated minimum standards of acceptable and prevailing medical practice when she failed to appropriately monitor, evaluate, and document numerous patients for whom she prescribed pain medication, including

Pain management physician’s medical license revoked for unprofessional conduct. Read More

Classified employee dismissed for failure to return to duty.

After a workplace injury, Petitioner was placed on leave without pay while she received worker’s compensation benefits. Once those benefits expired, the Department of Revenue paid out the annual and sick leave benefits that she had accumulated during her tenure.  After exhausting all of her leave time and worker’s compensation benefits, Petitioner told the Department

Classified employee dismissed for failure to return to duty. Read More

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