Liliana Yearns

CCSP applicant should not be penalized when agency worker misplaces medical records

The OSAH Judge reversed the Department of Community Health’s denial of a Community Care Services Program (CCSP) application because it was “incomplete.”  The applicant’s daughter had provided a binder of medical records to a review nurse during the application process, but that review nurse left employment before completing her review and without returning the binder.  […]

CCSP applicant should not be penalized when agency worker misplaces medical records Read More

Court rules that developmental disabilities do not preclude physical impairment when evaluating eligibility for EDWP services

The Department of Community Health (DCH) denied an application for Medicaid’s Elderly and Disabled Waiver Program (EDWP) because the 30-year-old applicant’s primary diagnosis was cerebral palsy, which is categorized as a developmental rather than a physical disability. Accordingly, per DCH, the applicant’s diagnosis did not fall squarely within the waiver’s SOURCE criteria for those aged

Court rules that developmental disabilities do not preclude physical impairment when evaluating eligibility for EDWP services Read More

Court sides with district, finds that school provided student with “reasonably calculated” education plan

This IDEA case was initiated in response to several due process complaints filed by a 16-year-old student and his mother against the student’s school district. The student and mother alleged that the district violated the student’s right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) by failing to abide by her Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The

Court sides with district, finds that school provided student with “reasonably calculated” education plan Read More

Senior SNAP’s extended certification period should not adversely impact eligibility calculations

This case concerned an individual’s eligibility for Senior SNAP benefits, which differ from ordinary SNAP (or food stamp) benefits in that the certification period is 36 months rather than 12.  In this instance, DFCS denied the individual’s Senior SNAP application after finding she was above the income limit for eligibility. However, the Court reversed this

Senior SNAP’s extended certification period should not adversely impact eligibility calculations Read More

Certificate sanctions upheld due to paraprofessional’s criminal history and failure to report 

The Professional Standards Commission (PSC) sought to revoke a paraprofessional’s certificate due to his criminal history, failure to report that history to the PSC, and failure to provide the PSC with documentation of the criminal violations throughout the application process. Although the Court acknowledged that the paraprofessional violated the PSC’s Code of Ethics and reporting

Certificate sanctions upheld due to paraprofessional’s criminal history and failure to report  Read More

Medical license sanctioned in response to previous consent order in another state

A physician appealed the proposed revocation of his Georgia medical license, claiming that he had been wrongly accused of excessively prescribing controlled substances when practicing in Alabama. The Court concluded the physician’s license should be sanctioned because, despite his denial of the allegations, the physician had willingly entered into a settlement agreement that restricted his

Medical license sanctioned in response to previous consent order in another state Read More

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