One-hour bus ride for student receiving special-education services found acceptable under IDEA

Topic: Special Education, Decided by: Judge Kennedy 
Docket Number: 0000000 , Decision Date: January 17, 2024 
Attachment: Click here to download the decision. 

A 10-year-old student and his parents alleged that the school district violated the Least Restrictive Environment provision (LRE) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by not placing him at the school closest to his home. The parents were particularly concerned that the student would suffer harm from the one-hour bus ride he would need to take daily to his assigned school. The Court denied the requests for relief, noting that a student does not need to be placed in his neighborhood school to satisfy the LRE requirement if his education plan cannot be implemented at that school.  The Court also cited past decisions by administrative law judges and district courts that concluded a bus ride not exceeding 1.5 hours in each direction is acceptable under the IDEA. 

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