OSAH judges and attorneys attend State Bar of Georgia’s Constitutional Symposium
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Judges Michael Malihi, Barbara Brown, Lois Oakley, Stephanie Howells, Steve Teate, and Ana Kennedy, along with OSAH staff attorneys Dominic Capraro, Shoshana Elon, and Laurin McDonald, and budget administrator Dan Dollar, attended the symposium celebrating the Constitution 225 years after its ratification. The three-day symposium, held March 12th through 14th, presented panel discussions, a debate between constitutional scholars Erwin Chemerinsky and Richard Epstein, a keynote address from author and historian David McCullough, and a reenactment of the 1972 oral arguments in Furman v. Georgia. The highlights of the program were presentations on constitutional interpretation from Ninth Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski, Seventh Circuit Judge Richard Posner, and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.