Sterling reputation as an educator weighed against seriousness of violations.
Docket Number: 1332647 , Decision Date: July 19, 2013
Attachment: Click here to download the decision.
Petitioner owned and operated a daycare. Because Petitioner knew she was in violation of a maximum capacity requirement, she hid four children outside during a Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) inspection of the facility. When the children were discovered, she denied that they were students at her daycare and told them to leave. The children were found walking, unaccompanied, on the side of a highway. Subsequently, Petitioner pled guilty to four counts of Reckless Conduct and is currently serving a 48-month sentence on probation. Mitigating character witnesses testified on Petitioner’s behalf. Weighing Petitioner’s unblemished record against the seriousness of the present violations, Judge Schroer modified the decision of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission to revoke Petitioner’s educator certificate. Petitioner’s certificate is instead suspended for the duration of her criminal probation.