Vehicle auctioning companies subject to fine for failure to facilitate title transfers.
Topic: Consumer Protection, Decided by: Judge Walker
Docket Number: 1558819 , Decision Date: October 8, 2015
Attachment: Click here to download the decision.
Docket Number: 1558819 , Decision Date: October 8, 2015
Attachment: Click here to download the decision.
Vehicle auctioning companies violated the Fair Business Practices Act by failing to facilitate title transfers after selling motor vehicles to consumers, which in two cases resulted in the consumer losing possession of the vehicle. However, the Court upheld only the violations for which Office of Consumer Protections offered sufficient evidentiary support. Further, the Court reversed OCP’s finding that the auctioning company had failed to obtain valid emissions certificates for used vehicles due to the lack of evidence that the consumers resided in counties where such certificates were required.