Lisa Boggs

Cost of in-home services must be within program guidelines.

Petitioner, an individual with significant care needs owing to a brain injury, applied for in-home services through the independent care waiver program (“ICWP”).  Because Petitioner required care twenty-four hours per day due to her mental and physical deficits, and she received no informal support from her family and friends, the cost of providing her with […]

Cost of in-home services must be within program guidelines. Read More

Parent not entitled to independent educational evaluation at public expense.

After the school district’s speech language pathologist determined after evaluation that a student may not benefit from continued speech therapy, the student’s parent requested an independent evaluation to be conducted at public expense. However, the parent was not entitled to a second publicly-funded evaluation because the school district’s evaluation was appropriate and comported with federal

Parent not entitled to independent educational evaluation at public expense. Read More

Deviation from financial eligibility formula set forth in Medicaid Manual improper.

Petitioner was properly denied Medicaid under the “Qualified Medicare Beneficiary” class of assistance, as her total net income exceeded the income limit for that Medicaid category.  Petitioner is eligible for, and will continue to receive, “Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary” Medicaid.  The Court has no authority to deviate from the formula for determining the financial eligibility

Deviation from financial eligibility formula set forth in Medicaid Manual improper. Read More

Personal testimony, change in address on driver’s license insufficient evidence of residency.

A candidate for State House affirmatively established that he resided in the district for which he sought office approximately eleven months prior to the date of the election.  However, the only evidence the candidate presented to support his contention that he resided in the district during the preceding month, and thus the entirety of the

Personal testimony, change in address on driver’s license insufficient evidence of residency. Read More

DFCS cannot toll the transfer of assets penalty period.

The Department of Human Services’ Division of Family and Children Services (“DFCS”) assessed a penalty of 3.43 months against Petitioner for transferring $20,020.46 of her assets without receiving fair market value in return.  This meant that she was ineligible for a nursing home vendor payment for three full months, and entitled to only a partial

DFCS cannot toll the transfer of assets penalty period. Read More

Boarding house fined for temporarily operating as an unlicensed personal care home.

A boarding house was subject to a fine for providing services that could only be performed by a licensed personal care home.  During a site visit, the facility was found to have kept the residents’ medications in lockers, and investigators discovered that the facility’s owner had organized two of the residents’ medications for them.  Per

Boarding house fined for temporarily operating as an unlicensed personal care home. Read More

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