Lisa Boggs

Insufficient evidence to support dismissal of classified employee.

Petitioner, a classified employee, appealed her dismissal by her employer. The conclusory testimony of the employer’s HR Director to the effect that Petitioner had committed violations of Pathways and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities policies, uncorroborated by documentary evidence, was insufficient to support the decision to dismiss the employee

Insufficient evidence to support dismissal of classified employee. Read More

Real estate salesperson’s license revoked for violations of state law.

The Georgia Real Estate Commission was authorized to revoke the license of Petitioner, a real estate salesperson, after she conducted real estate transactions through her own unlicensed company, failed to deliver transaction documents to her broker, mishandled the money of her principals, received consideration from someone other than her broker, and failed to meet record-retention

Real estate salesperson’s license revoked for violations of state law. Read More

CNA Supervisor’s removal of a resident from dining room during cleaning was not neglect.

Petitioner’s conduct in removing a wheelchair-bound resident from a room by force during potentially-hazardous cleaning operations did not amount to neglect.  Petitioner exhausted reasonable alternatives before removing the resident and acted out of concern for the resident’s safety.  Accordingly, the Department of Community Health (DCH) was not authorized to place a finding of neglect next

CNA Supervisor’s removal of a resident from dining room during cleaning was not neglect. Read More

No ethics violation where possible abuse reported within twenty-four hours.

Petitioner, a kindergarten teacher, did not alert her superiors after she noticed redness on a student’s arm and the student reported being spanked by her mother.  However, Petitioner reported to a counselor that there was a small bruise on the student’s arm the following morning.  Petitioner’s conduct did not breach the Code of Ethics for

No ethics violation where possible abuse reported within twenty-four hours. Read More

Recoupment authorized for provider’s non-compliance with CAPS Program exemption criteria.

Petitioner, a child care provider, was granted exemptions from licensure by the Department of Early Care and Learning for two categories of child care services.  DECAL authorized Petitioner to receive subsidies through the Childcare and Parent Services (CAPS) Program, for providing services that conformed to exemption criteria.  After DECAL determined that Petitioner received subsidies for

Recoupment authorized for provider’s non-compliance with CAPS Program exemption criteria. Read More

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