Lisa Boggs

Debt to a private bank for which Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was subsequently appointed receiver does not render candidate an “illegal holder of public funds.”

Mr. William Carruth, a candidate for State Senate, established residency requirements in the Senate District where he sought office.  Mr. Carruth’s debt to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), an appointed receiver for the private bank at which he originally incurred the debt, did not involve public funds and therefore did not bar his candidacy.

Debt to a private bank for which Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was subsequently appointed receiver does not render candidate an “illegal holder of public funds.” Read More

Deputy Registrar sanctioned for soliciting voter registration applications at a private nursing home facility without authorization.

Respondent, the Deputy Registrar for Bulloch County, was issued a public reprimand and required to pay a civil penalty for soliciting voter registration applications at a private nursing home facility without prior authorization from the facility\’s administrator.

Deputy Registrar sanctioned for soliciting voter registration applications at a private nursing home facility without authorization. Read More

Candidate’s membership on State Transportation Board did not disqualify him from running for State Senate.

Neither the Georgia Constitution, nor state election law, prohibited Respondent, a member of the State Transportation Board (STB), from seeking office in Senate District 21.  The reimbursement Respondent received pursuant to STB Membership did not constitute \”emoluments\” that would disqualify him from candidacy.

Candidate’s membership on State Transportation Board did not disqualify him from running for State Senate. Read More

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