Lisa Boggs

Respondent ordered to remove a sign visible from a state route and on residential property.

Respondent erected a sign visible from and adjacent to State Route 515.  Respondent applied for the necessary permit, but the Department denied the permit because the sign is in a residential area. The Court ordered the Respondent to remove the sign within 120 days and authorized the Department to remove the sign if Respondent failed […]

Respondent ordered to remove a sign visible from a state route and on residential property. Read More

Document neither mentioned nor produced until approximately one week before hearing entitled to no evidentiary weight.

Petitioner is licensed by Respondent to operate a childcare learning center.  During a site visit, Respondent discovered that Petitioner had not recorded the necessary second check of one of the vehicles after it was used to transport children, and commenced disciplinary action. One week before the hearing on Petitioner’s appeal, Petitioner provided a document purportedly

Document neither mentioned nor produced until approximately one week before hearing entitled to no evidentiary weight. Read More

Suspension reduced from one year to 45 days for teacher who consumed alcohol at a school function.

The Professional Standards Commission sought to suspend Petitioner’s teaching certificate for one year.  Petitioner, who was a chaperone at the school prom, consumed alcohol prior to arriving at the school prom and again at the bar in the hotel where the prom was being held after his shift as chaperone had ended.  The Commission’s proposed

Suspension reduced from one year to 45 days for teacher who consumed alcohol at a school function. Read More

Department of Insurance properly exercised its discretion in denying the application of a woman previously caught cheating on an exam.

Petitioner was caught cheating during the examination component of a Resident Agent License Application. She failed the exam, but the company administering the exam reported the incident to the Georgia Department of Insurance (“DOI”).  After Petitioner took the exam again and passed, the DOI refused to grant her a license. The DOI properly exercised it

Department of Insurance properly exercised its discretion in denying the application of a woman previously caught cheating on an exam. Read More

School district must continue to pay for private residential placement during transition period.

A school district was directed to pay for a student’s continued placement in a private facility after the student could not complete the three-part transition period, which was designed to prepare the student to move back to the school district.  As the transition period was an integral part of the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP),

School district must continue to pay for private residential placement during transition period. Read More

Must show harm in order to obtain relief for a deviation from an individualized education program.

Although a School District violated procedural safeguards under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) by providing services different from those specified in Petitioner’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), Petitioner was not entitled to relief inasmuch as Petitioner could not show that the changes actually caused a deprivation of educational benefits.  While the School District

Must show harm in order to obtain relief for a deviation from an individualized education program. Read More

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