Liliana Yearns

Hospital’s failure to properly code patient’s diagnosis results in $5,494 Medicaid overpayment

A rural hospital incorrectly coded a patient’s diagnosis and treatment plan when making a Medicaid claim, which the Department of Community Health (DCH) alleged resulted in an overpayment of $5,494.83. Although the hospital argued that the treatment plans for the correct code and the submitted code were identical, the Court ultimately affirmed DCH’s recoupment of […]

Hospital’s failure to properly code patient’s diagnosis results in $5,494 Medicaid overpayment Read More

Insufficient evidence that school district failed to evaluate student for emotional behavioral disability

A 14-year-old student and her mother alleged that the student’s school district violated the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) with respect to the student’s identification, evaluation, and educational placement, as well as by denying her a free appropriate public education (FAPE). The Court granted a motion for involuntary dismissal on all but two claims.

Insufficient evidence that school district failed to evaluate student for emotional behavioral disability Read More

Court affirms finding of overpayment to Medicaid provider based on single patient’s two hospital visits

A Medicaid provider requested a hearing to contest an alleged $13,000 overpayment it received for two separate hospital admissions for the same patient. Pursuant to Georgia Medicaid policy, the Department of Community Health (DCH) prices two admissions of the same patient as one for “similar or related conditions” that occur within three days of each

Court affirms finding of overpayment to Medicaid provider based on single patient’s two hospital visits Read More

Student’s behavioral history demonstrates necessity for more restrictive placement

A 7-year-old student and his mother were unsuccessful in seeking relief under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The Court granted the school district’s motion for involuntary dismissal on most of the claims raised, but it reviewed on the merits the mother’s objection to her son being placed in a more restrictive special education

Student’s behavioral history demonstrates necessity for more restrictive placement Read More

Reading of implied consent notice before arrest improper absent awareness of “serious injury”

A driver appealing his DUI license suspension argued that the arresting officer improperly read the implied consent notice prior to arresting him. The only instance in which this is permissible is when the officer is aware that the arrestee suffered a “serious injury” from a traffic accident. In this instance, there was no evidence that

Reading of implied consent notice before arrest improper absent awareness of “serious injury” Read More

TANF termination upheld due to failure to cooperate with child support enforcement

The Petitioner in this case had her TANF benefits terminated because she failed to cooperate with the child support eligibility and enforcement process, as is required. Upon complying and reapplying, the Petitioner was denied again because she did not return the TANF Family Service Plan form, another requirement for recipients. The Court affirmed both the

TANF termination upheld due to failure to cooperate with child support enforcement Read More

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